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Pulitzer Center Update May 2, 2008

VQR Wins National Magazine Award for Pulitzer Center Collaborative Issue


The Virginia Quarterly Review's 2007 fall issue, "South America in the Twenty-First Century," which includes reporting from Pulitzer Center grantees on Peru, Columbia and Argentina, has won the National Magazine Award in the single topic issue category.

Included in the issue:

• Phillip Robertson's "The Octopus in the Cathedral of Salt," an article stemming from his investigation of paramilitary power in Columbia

• Kelly Hearn's "The Last Commons: Drilling in the Peruvian Amazon," an article addressing Big Oil in the Amazon

• Gabrielle Weiss' "The 'Ghost Train,'" a video addressing poverty in Argentina.

View The Virginia Quarterly Review's 2007 Fall Issue

View other National Magazine Award finalists