Pulitzer Center Student Fellow Esohe Osabuohien was featured in several news outlets for her reporting from Cuba. Osabuohien's short film on artists in Havana focuses on how art and activism intersect to address social issues including racism, sexism, homophobia, and lack of free speech in Cuba. The featured artists use different mediums and and perspectives to provide a broader understanding of how people navigate their lives in the island nation.
The film is part of a larger project, "We Are Not Hidden: Race in Cuba", where Osabuohiun explores the complexity of race and gender in Cuba.
The video project has been reported on in both English and Spanish in various outlets including Telecubana, Diario de Cuba, Martí Noticias, Miami-based ABS News affiliate Channel 10, Cibercuba, Cubanos por el Mundo, and F.A.C.E.