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Pulitzer Center Update April 24, 2012

Support "Milk and Blood" South Sudan Fundraising Campaign


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An immersive, transmedia book project for the iPad on the birth of the world's newest country from...

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Multiple Authors
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Image by Trevor Snapp. South Sudan, 2012.

The media associated with this story is no longer available online.

Trevor Snapp and Alan Boswell have launched a fundraising campaign through, an online platform where photojournalists can submit projects for crowdfunding by the public.

The fundraising campaign will support the development of an iPad book for the "Milk and Blood: South Sudan" project. This multi-media book project combines Snapp and Boswell's reporting from over three years with current on the ground dispatches. It will be designed by Triple Canopy.

All funds raised, up to $10,000, will be matched by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

To donate, visit their campaign page here.

Rewards include:

$15: Access to the making of zone and an early copy of the iPad book.
$25: A postcard and an early copy of the iPad book
$50: A special set of three small print, a skype conference call from the field and an early copy of the iPad book
$100: A large print from the project and an early copy of the iPad book
$300: A limited edition signed newsprint exhibition and an early copy of the iPad book
$500: Supporter status in the iPad book, a limited edition signed newsprint exhibition and an early copy of the iPad book.
$1500: A private presentation of our project in US or Europe, supporter status in the iPad book, a limited edition signed newsprint + the iPad book. (Please note travel costs and accommodation will have to be covered)
$5000: Official underwriting status in the book. A private presentation (US or Europe), supporter status, a limited edition signed newsprint + iPad book. (Please note travel costs + accommodation will have to be covered)


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