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Pulitzer Center Update March 16, 2010

Students in St. Louis ask, "Why does 'never again' happen again?"

Pulitzer Center Staff

Civitas Associates/Active Citizen360, the Pulitzer Center's educational partner in St. Louis, promotes responsible citizenship by providing opportunities for students to become more informed and express their opinions about important global and local issues. One element of this work is participation in the Pulitzer Center's Global Gateway educational outreach program, which took three Pulitzer-sponsored journalists to over fifteen middle and high schools and three universities in the St. Louis area in January.

On February 19 and 20, Active Citizen360 sponsored a conference on genocide for high school students, "Why Does Never Again Happen Again?" Visit the St. Louis Beacon for articles stemming from the discussion, written by students Katherine Joiner, Jenny Starrs, Lucy Short, and Martha Orlet, who is a Pulitzer Student Ambassador.

Below, listen as some of the students explain why they chose to attend the conference.