Pulitzer Center-supported journalists Lisa Armstrong and Andre Lambertson present portraits of of hope and resilience as Haitian communities rebuild in the wake of catastrophe. Joining them are Fred de Sam Lazaro, director of the Project for Under-Told Stories at Saint John's University and a veteran journalist whose coverage includes developments in Haiti through the years, and Pulitzer Center Executive Director Jon Sawyer.
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, Rehm Library, March 29, 2010, 7:00 pm
Lisa Armstrong is an adjunct professor at the CUNY graduate school of journalism and recipient of American Journalists and Authors award whose work has appeared in publications such as The Washington Post, National Geographic and O, The Oprah Magazine. In addition to an M.A. in journalism, she has a master's degree in urban planning with a concentration in international development and has written and edited for organizations such as the World Bank and UNICEF.
Andre Lambertson is a photojournalist, teacher, and filmmaker committed to documenting stories of hope and healing. Prior to the earthquake, he filmed a documentary about the U.N. mission in Haiti. He has taught at the International Center for Photography for the past six years, and teaches photography to children at the Brooklyn Museum and to former child soldiers in West Africa. His photos have appeared in diverse publications including Time, Life, The New York Times Magazine, The London Sunday Times, Fortune, The New York Times, and The Village Voice.
Fred de Sam Lazaro is director of the Project for Under-Told Stories at Saint John's University (Minnesota), a program that combines international journalism and education. He has served with The NewsHour since 1985 and is a regular contributor and substitute anchor for PBS' Religion and Ethics Newsweekly. He also has directed films from India and the Democratic Republic of Congo for the acclaimed documentary series, Wide Angle. Fred has reported from 35 countries: from Haiti to sub-Saharan Africa to south Asia, he has focused on stories that are under-reported in the mainstream U.S. media. In addition to regularly covering AIDS, public health concerns, development issues and social entrepreneurship, he led the first American crew to report on the crisis in Sudan's Darfur region.
Pulitzer Center Executive Director Jon Sawyer will moderate the panel. Sponsored by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, Holy Cross Student Government Association, the Political Science Department, Peace and Conflict Studies, Africana Studies, and Center for Religion, Ethics, and Culture.