Pulitzer Center Update June 29, 2012
Pulitzer Center Kicks Off Free Spirit Media Summer Program
For the third year in a row, the Pulitzer Center is collaborating with Chicago-based Free Spirit Media to host a documentary film-making workshop for high schools students. Pulitzer Center grantees Lisa Armstrong, Jesse Hardman and Habiba Nosheen traveled to Chicago June 26-27 along with Pulitzer Center staff members Nathalie Applewhite and Jake Naughton to kick off the summer program at Power House High School.
The Pulitzer Center team shared their international reporting projects with students, encouraging them to connect global themes with issues present in their local communities and to identify topics for their own documentary projects. Over the next six weeks, the students will film and edit their documentaries, receiving feedback from Pulitzer Center journalists throughout the process.
Past projects by Free Spirit Media youth have focused on a variety of topics including "Peace Building in Chicago," last year's film on grassroots movements designed to counter street violence in Chicago, which won the Chicago Award at the 2012 CineYouth Festival, a youth competition at the Chicago International Film Festival.