Pulitzer Center Update August 9, 2010
Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard selects Antigone Barton as Nieman Fellow
Antigone Barton is among the 25 journalists, from the US and abroad, chosen by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard to join the 73rd class of Nieman Fellows. According to the Foundation's website, "Nieman Foundation Curator Bob Giles notes 'The new fellows are a highly talented group of journalists with extraordinarily diverse backgrounds and interests. Together, they'll have the opportunity to share their expertise and learn from each other as they take full advantage of the exceptional educational resources available at Harvard. This year, a large number of them are freelancers and some have launched innovative journalism projects. They represent a new breed of pioneering journalists who will carry us, well informed, into the future.'"
Antigone is one of two Nieman Global Health Reporting Fellows chosen by Jon Sawyer, director of the Pulitzer Center, and Stefanie Friedhoff, special projects manager for the Nieman Foundation and a 2001 Nieman Fellow. Nieman Curator Bob Giles chaired the global health reporting selection committee. Antigone will study global health policy and research ways to build collaborative reporting and accessible resources in developing world news settings. She has reported for the Pulitzer Center from the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Palm Beach County on the HIV/AIDS epidemic.