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Pulitzer Center Update March 31, 2016

News Bites and Lesson Plan of the Week: Water Crises in Flint, MI and China


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What happens at the source of the worlds biggest water transfer project?

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During the course of the year that Sharron Lovell filmed him, fisherman Cao Suizhou’s hair turned from jet black to white, a sign of stress for a man who otherwise endures his worries in silence. When asked what he wants people to know about China’s radical remedy to its water crisis, he said, “Just to understand what we’ve gone though, we know we can’t fight it or change anything, but people in Beijing should know where their water is coming from.” Image by Tom Wang. China, 2015.

Dear Educators,

Here are this week's featured lesson plans and updates on the Pulitzer Center's education events:

News Bite Lesson: The Community Impacts of Water Crises in China and Flint, Michigan

The discovery of lead-contaminated tap water in Flint, Michigan continues to spark debate this week surrounding who she be held responsible and how aid should be provided to community members. Students are invited to discuss the water crisis in Flint and compare it to the community impacts of China's North-South Water Transfer Project in this week's News Bite lesson plan.

Featured Lesson Plan: "Economic and Political Conditions in Nigeria"

Our featured Lesson Plan of the Week was written by Susan Ikenberry, a teacher at Georgetown Day School in Washington D.C. It can provide a great starting point for discussing recent attacks in Nigeria by Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. Susan will host a Skype conversation with journalist-grantee Misha Friedman this week in her Comparative Politics about his project "Ukraine: Reforming a Police Force."

If you are interested in hosting a Skype conversation with a journalist-grantee in your classroom, email [email protected].

Education News: "The Empathy Gap" Student Photo Exhibition

Last week, fifth-eighth grade students from Inspired Teaching Public Charter School exhibited photography projects using the photo blending method they learned after a visit from journalist-grantee Daniella Zalcman. They interviewed a classmate and then blended portraits of their subject with a second image to illustrate how photography can encourage a deeper understanding of a person. "We stand next to people every day in our class, but still don't know some things about them," said seventh grader Jelani Denmark. "The Project forced me to learn more. Now I know how some of my classmates feel about politics and things that scare them...My photos are all about emotions. I learned that, like me, some of my classmates are going through lots of emotions." Click here to learn more about how to work with the Pulitzer Center to program exciting events that connect journalists with your students.

A review of what this email is about:

We hope to support you and your classrooms each week by sending "News Bites," short lesson plans that relate to the news that week and utilize an article, photograph, podcast and/or short film by a Pulitzer Center grantee. We'll also feature an in-depth "Lesson of the Week" and highlight upcoming events hosted by the Pulitzer Center's Education Department.

As always, we're eager for your suggestions. Let us know what you think.

Very best,
Mark and Fareed

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