"Everyday DC" is the culmination of a multi-week photojournalism unit designed by the visual arts department at DC Public Schools (DCPS), DCPS visual arts educators, and the Pulitzer Center. The unit was developed to align with the National Core Arts standards and the visual arts standards developed by DCPS. It was inspired by Everyday Africa, a project created by Pulitzer Center grantees Peter DiCampo and Austin Merrill to re-direct focus toward a more accurate understanding of what the majority of Africans experience on a day-to-day basis: normal life.
This video captures the reactions of the photographers from seven local middle schools to their art work at the opening of the "Everyday DC" exhibition on March 8, 2017, at the Southwest Arts Club. The students' photojournalism exhibit will be on display through Friday, March 31.
The "Everyday DC" project was funded in part by the D.C. Commission on the Arts & Humanities, an agency supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.