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Pulitzer Center Update September 13, 2017

Evan Osnos Analyzes North Korea on Charlie Rose


Media: Authors:
Lieutenant Colonel Pang Myong Jin, of the Korean People's Army, inside the Demilitarized Zone in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Image by Evan Osnos. North Korea, 2017.

Three days after Donald Trump tweeted that the U.S. is "locked and loaded" in its nuclear standoff...

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Multiple Authors
Evan Osnos on Charlie Rose​​​​​​​. United States, 2017.
Evan Osnos on Charlie Rose. United States, 2017

On September 12, 2017, Pulitzer Center grantee Evan Osnos appeared on Charlie Rose to speak about his North Korea and Kim Jon Un reporting for The New Yorker. Osnos characterized the North Korean leader as "rational...protecting his national interests in the way he thinks he should," and noted that "there have been moments... where he has shown himself to be capable of restraint."

Osnos recently returned from North Korea after completing a Pulitzer Center-funded cover story for The New Yorker, where he explores the country's history, current leadership, and public sentiment towards nuclear conflict. Osnos maps the dance President Trump and and Kim Jong Un are locked in, as both try to uncover the other's intentions while remaining unpredictable themselves. With less than seven years of political experience between the two leaders, Osnos notes the difficulty they may have analyzing one another. He writes:

"I had wondered what it must be like to experience the United States through the fog of Twitter. It turned out that it wasn't much different from Americans trying to make sense of North Korea through its propaganda."


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