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Pulitzer Center Update November 2, 2017

'Europe Slams Its Gates' on Pulitzer Center Instagram This Week

Media: Authors:

A series on Europe’s controversial "pay-to-stay" effort to fight migration at its source.

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Multiple Authors
Young men crowd onto the back of an old Mercedes-Benz truck leaving Agadez for the far north of Niger where thousands are prospecting for gold in precarious conditions. Image by Nichole Sobecki. Niger, 2017.
Young men crowd onto the back of an old Mercedes-Benz truck leaving Agadez for the far north of Niger where thousands are prospecting for gold in precarious conditions. Image by Nichole Sobecki. Niger, 2017.

Photographer Nichole Sobecki and reporter Ty McCormick visited Niger to report on the EU-funded crackdown on human smuggling. Their reporting is from Part II of "Europe Slams Its Gates," Foreign Policy's special, five-part investigation into Europe's response to the migration crisis. This week, Nichole's photographs along with her and McCormick's notes from the field, will be posted on the Pulitzer Center's Instagram account.


teal halftone illustration of a family carrying luggage and walking


Migration and Refugees

Migration and Refugees