Pulitzer Center Update June 2, 2009
Dollars for Journalism: Jon Sawyer on Panel at IRE conference 6/12
Jon Sawyer speaks about how to get funding for individual investigative journalism projects in Baltimore on June 12 as part of the Investigative Reporters and Editors 2009 conference.
The afternoon panel, entitled "Funding your work 1: sources that can help with individual projects," will feature:
* Cheryl Arvidson, Fund for Investigative Journalism
* Peggy Engel, Alicia Patterson Foundation
* Brant Houston, University of Illinois
* Esther Kaplan, Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute
* Jon Sawyer, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
This session is an excellent opportunity to find out how to get your independent investigative project funded. Representatives from funds that have financed hundreds of thousands of dollars in print, broadcast and Web stories will explain what they expect in project proposals and in results.