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Pulitzer Center Update July 8, 2020

Carol Rosenberg Interviewed on 'Vital Interests Podcast'

Media: Authors:
The entrance to Camp 1 in Guantanamo Bay's Camp Delta. The base's detention camps are numbered based on the order in which they were built, not their order of precedence or level of security. Photo by Kathleen T. Rhem. Cuba, 2018. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Carol Rosenberg tells both big-sweep and incremental stories about the court and captives at...

A watchtower at the famous Guantanamo Bay prison camp at dusk. Image by Gino Reyes. Cuba, 2011.
A watchtower at the famous Guantanamo Bay prison camp at dusk. Image by Gino Reyes. Cuba, 2011.

In the most recent episode of the Vital Interests Podcast, Pulitzer Center grantee Carol Rosenberg discusses her long career reporting on Guantanamo's detainees, its military commissions, and the U.S. military.

Rosenberg has covered the U.S. base and prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba since 2002. The Pulitzer Center has supported Rosenberg's work since 2019, first at the Miami Herald and then at The New York Times.

Listen to the full interview on Apple Podcasts.


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