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Pulitzer Center Update April 22, 2016

Benefits of Brazil's School Lunch Program


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Brazil’s school feeding program feeds 45 million children. Besides fighting hunger, it is also...

Joise Lopes, 38, is a family farmer in Promissão. She helps run a farmers’ cooperative that sells its produce to local public schools for use in school meals. Image by Rhitu Chatterjee. Brazil, 2015.

Rhitu Chatterjee's project School Lunches in Brazil: From Local Farms to Children's Plates was translated into Portuguese by the Department of Education in Brazil.

Chatterjee's project highlights the success of the Brazilian school lunch program—giving kids an incentive to stay in school longer and providing meals that give children nutrients they may not get at home. "Eating healthy" becomes part of the curriculum.

Students are not the only ones to benefit—so do the local farmers from whom schools buy their produce and the women employed by the school lunch system.

The PDF of the translated texts is available below.

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Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


Gender Equality

Gender Equality
teal halftone illustration of two children, one holding up a teddy bear


Children and Youth

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