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Story Publication logo October 24, 2011

Iraq's Internal Refugees Still Waiting


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It has been more than eight years since the U.S. invaded Iraq and now the mission is coming to a...

Arab residents of a neighborhood in Mosul, Iraq.
Arab residents of a neighborhood in Mosul, Iraq. Most Kurdish residents left this neighborhood four years ago to avoid attacks like the one that destroyed the house in the background. Image by David Enders. Iraq, 2011.

With the renewed pledge to withdraw troops from Iraq, the US will still leave behind one of the worst displacement problems in the world. According to the International Organization for Migration, some 1.3 million Iraqis remain displaced - and that's just within the country.

Many who are displaced internally say their government has done little or nothing to help them, and in some cases, has even prevented them from returning to their homes. David Enders files this report from Mosul, Iraq.


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