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Story Publication logo March 17, 2010

Iason Athanasiadis praises Pulitzer Center in Nieman Reports


After a hotly contested presidential election that resulted in street riots and a disputed claim to...


In an article on how he brings foreign news reporting to new audiences, photojournalist Iason Athanasiadis pays tribute to the Pulitzer Center for funding his past reporting projects in Iran, Turkey and Greece.

He writes: "In these tough times, there are glimmers of hope. Jon Sawyer, a veteran foreign correspondent, directs the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting in Washington, D.C., which is one of several Web-based, foundation-supported efforts that now offer financial assistance for foreign reporting. Journalists can apply for travel grants that enable them to produce the kind of foreign news reporting that many news organizations no longer support. In 2009, a multimedia Web site about living with HIV/AIDS in Jamaica whose work the Pulitzer Center sponsored through a grant, was awarded an Emmy and the Pulitzer Center itself, was recognized by the National Press Foundation with an award for Excellence in Online Journalism.

By receiving grants from the Pulitzer Center, I was able to spend time in Turkey chronicling its rise as an emerging power, to report on the social turmoil that preceded Greece's economic decline, and to document the crisis in Iran sparked by the presidential elections. For a struggling freelancer, these grants—combined with my ability to share this reporting with online news outlets such as GlobalPost—give me a lifeline to continue my work as a photojournalist."


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