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Story Publication logo January 27, 2010

The Connection Between Darfur and South Sudan


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Gabriel Deng, Koor Garang and Garang Mayuol, Southern Sudanese "Lost Boys" in the U.S., were forced...

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The deeper I became engaged in issues related to Darfur, the more I realized that there is no way to understand the crisis in Darfur without understanding its historical, political and geographic contexts.

Rebuilding Hope ( in many ways grew out of my first documentary film and book, Darfur Diaries ( The deeper I became engaged in issues related to Darfur, the more I realized that there is no way to understand the crisis in Darfur without understanding its historical, political and geographic contexts—and these contexts very much include South Sudan.

In this segment, people from Darfur and South Sudan explore the connections between the two regions of Sudan, including how people of Darfur were used by the government in Khartoum against Southerners much the way that Janjaweed militia were later used against Darfuris.


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