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    i haven’t felt the rain

    By Sofia Celli 6th grade, Village School, MA Honorable mention With lines from “In a Famed Game Park Near the Foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, the Animals Are Giving Up” by Georgina Gustin and Larry C. Price, a Pulitzer Center reporting project there is nothing left no plants no mud no leaves on the worn

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    2023 Climate & Labor Conference

    --- Watch Session Recordings SECTIONS About the Conference Organizers Speakers Day One Day Two Workers are on the front lines of the climate crisis. As the world heats up, what real-world problems arise—and what jobs and employment sectors are

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    Mendaftar untuk Bergabung dengan Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Jaringan investigasi ini akan membentuk ekosistem kolaboratif bagi para jurnalis di seluruh dunia. Bersama-sama, mereka akan mengungkap praktik-praktik industri perikanan dan industri ekstraktif yang merusak dan ilegal, ancaman sistemik terhadap keanekaragaman hayati laut dan masyarakat pesisir

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    Postuler pour participer au Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Le réseau d'investigation établira un écosystème collaboratif de journalistes du monde entier. Ensemble, ils découvriront les pratiques nuisibles et illégales des industries de la pêche et de l'extraction, les menaces systémiques qui pèsent sur la biodiversité marine et les communautés côtières

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    Participe da Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    A rede investigativa estabelecerá um ecossistema colaborativo de jornalistas em todo o mundo. Juntos, eles descobrirão as práticas nocivas e ilegais dos setores pesqueiro e extrativista, as ameaças sistêmicas à biodiversidade marinha e às comunidades costeiras e as cadeias de suprimentos que

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    Únase a la Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    La red de investigación establecerá un ecosistema de colaboración de periodistas de todo el mundo. Juntos sacarán a la luz las prácticas nocivas e ilegales de las industrias pesquera y extractiva, las amenazas sistémicas a la biodiversidad marina y las comunidades costeras, y las cadenas de

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    Participe da Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    A rede investigativa estabelecerá um ecossistema colaborativo de jornalistas em todo o mundo. Juntos, eles descobrirão as práticas nocivas e ilegais dos setores pesqueiro e extrativista, as ameaças sistêmicas à biodiversidade marinha e às comunidades costeiras e as cadeias de suprimentos que

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    Mendaftar untuk Bergabung dengan Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Jaringan investigasi ini akan membentuk ekosistem kolaboratif bagi para jurnalis di seluruh dunia. Bersama-sama, mereka akan mengungkap praktik-praktik industri perikanan dan industri ekstraktif yang merusak dan ilegal, ancaman sistemik terhadap keanekaragaman hayati laut dan masyarakat pesisir

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    Meet the Rainforest Investigations Network team

    Led by journalist Gustavo Faleiros, a pioneer of rainforest accountability reporting and founder of the data journalism outlet InfoAmazonia, the RIN team has extensive experience in environmental communications, data journalism, and more. GUSTAVO FALEIROS Director of Environmental Investigations

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    Opportunities for Visual Storytelling

    Visual storytelling with depth and nuance is core to the Pulitzer Center mission to raise awareness of underreported global issues, bring attention to urgent stories, and hold those in power to account. Our grants and fellowships for freelance and staff journalists aim to cultivate diverse

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    Postuler pour participer au Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    Le réseau d'investigation établira un écosystème collaboratif de journalistes du monde entier. Ensemble, ils découvriront les pratiques nuisibles et illégales des industries de la pêche et de l'extraction, les menaces systémiques qui pèsent sur la biodiversité marine et les communautés côtières

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    Únase a la Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    La red de investigación establecerá un ecosistema de colaboración de periodistas de todo el mundo. Juntos sacarán a la luz las prácticas nocivas e ilegales de las industrias pesquera y extractiva, las amenazas sistémicas a la biodiversidad marina y las comunidades costeras, y las cadenas de

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    Apply To Join the Ocean Reporting Network (ORN)

    The network will establish a collaborative ecosystem of journalists around the world. Together, they will uncover the harmful and illegal practices of the fishing and extractive industries, systemic threats to marine biodiversity and coastal communities, and the supply chains facilitating global

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    Panggilan Proposal Khusus: Keanekaragaman Hayati di Hutan Tropis

    Keanekaragaman Hayati di Hutan Tropis Keanekaragaman hayati (kehati) hutan adalah semua bentuk kehidupan yang ditemukan dalam kawasan berhutan dan peran ekologis yang mereka jalankan. Kehati bukan hanya pohon tetapi berbagai macam tumbuhan, satwa dan organisme mikro yang menghuni kawasan hutan – dan

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    Special Call for Proposals: Biodiversity in the Tropical Forests

    Biodiversity in the Tropical Forests Forest biological diversity refers to all life forms found within forested areas and the ecological roles they perform. It encompasses not just trees, but the multitude of plants, animals and microorganisms that inhabit forest areas - and their associated genetic

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    Chamada Especial para Propostas: O Impacto das Eleições no Brasil Sobre a Amazônia

    A eleição brasileira será o grande evento na Amazônia em 2022. Com 60% da Amazônia em seu território, as decisões políticas lideradas pelo atual Legislativo e o Executivo brasileiros podem agravar o avanço de atividades ilegais sobre áreas protegidas e contra os povos da floresta. A pressão sobre a

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    Convocatoria Especial de Propuestas: El Impacto de las Elecciones Brasileñas en la Amazonia

    Las elecciones brasileñas serán el gran acontecimiento de la Amazonia en 2022. Con el 60% de la Amazonia en territorio brasileño, las decisiones políticas dirigidas por los actuales poderes legislativos y ejecutivos brasileños afectarán al avance de las actividades ilegales en las áreas protegidas y

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    Special Call for Proposals: The Impact of Brazilian Elections on the Amazon

    The Brazilian election will be the big event in the Amazon in 2022. With 60% of the Amazon in Brazil’s territory, political decisions led by the current Brazilian legislative and executive powers will affect the advance of illegal activities in protected areas and against rainforest peoples. The