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    Dylan Cortegana, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "Dreams Derailed" by Marcela Rodrigues and "Searching for Stability as a Migrant in Tunisia" by Audrey Thibert Dear Governor Phil Murphy, An enrollment ban in Alabama and South Carolina is affecting the chances of going to college for up to 500,000 undocumented

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    Yuki Heeger, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "Many In Baltimore’s Struggling Cherry Hill Enclave Could Have Gone Hungry Amid COVID. But a Small Band of Neighborhood Activists Stepped Up." by Isabella Gomes Dear Mayor Justin Elicker, One in eight American households is food insecure, and Black and Latinx

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    Violet Sandridge, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "The Whales of Fishing Creek: Climate Lessons From the Pliocene" by Justin Cook Dear Congressman Joe Neguse, I am a twelve-year-old Boulder resident and I write to you concerning climate change. The Colorado we both know and love is at risk, and I want my own

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    Pragyaan Gaur, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "China's Surprising Solutions to Clear Killer Air" by Beth Gardiner Dear Arvind Kejriwal, The condition of air pollution in the city of Delhi is well known, and multiple examples of such levels of air quality degradation can be seen across the world. The Pulitzer

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    Ethan Fizette, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “ The Race To Extract an Indigenous Language From Its Last Lucid Speaker ” by Simeon Tegel and Florence Goupil Dear Senator Thom Tillis, I am writing to inform you that we are facing a worldwide crisis. I recently read the Pulitzer Center article “The Race To

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    Rea Xyrille Tumbaga, First Place Winner, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “Poisoned Wells: Oil Pollution Haunts Nigerian District for Decades” by Bukola Adebayo Respected Senator Loren Legarda, Oil spills are a worldwide issue, affecting not only our environment but also global climate change and access to clean resources. This matter

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    Aarya Karmarkar, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "There’s Almost No Research on the Health Impact of Plastic Chemicals in the Global South" by Aryn Baker Dear Virginia State Health Commissioner Dr. Karen Shelton, I, Aarya Karmarkar, am a student passionate about the complex field of health sciences and its

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    Valerie Antoniette Hardin, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "A Portrait of the Duano Tribe's Life as the Mangrove Forest Erodes (bahasa Indonesia)" by Tonggo Simangunsong and Suryadi M Nur Dear Indonesian Government, Greetings, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this open letter to draw your attention to a

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    James Wan, First Place Winner, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "News Analysis: Illinois Protects Library Books; Missouri Removes Them" by Jane Wiertel Dear Senator Santarsiero, Book bans have become a widespread issue across the country, affecting both schools and public libraries. Concerningly, certain books tend to be the

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    Sahana Altevogt, Finalist, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from “Disaster Aid Running Out As Pakistan Struggles To Recover From 2022 Floods” by Fred de Sam Lazaro, Sarah Clune Hartman, John Yang, and Kaisha Young Dear Congressman Raskin, My name is Sahana, and I am an 11-year-old 6th grader at Sidwell Friends School. By

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    Claire Marble, First Place Winner, Local Letters for Global Change

    This letter features reporting from "The Hidden Costs of Flooding in D.C.’s Poorest Wards" by Marcelo Jauregui-Volpe Dear Mayor Muriel Bowser, My name is Claire Marble and I go to Ross Elementary. I am feeling extreme worry about the issue of flooding in D.C., and you should as well. Climate change

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    Pulitzer Center Student Contests

    Move from information to action! FALL LETTER-WRITING CONTEST | SPRING POETRY CONTEST | READ WINNING ENTRIES | GET INVOLVED Following the news helps us understand the issues affecting our world. But without a clear path toward solutions, the news can be overwhelming. The Pulitzer Center Education

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    Ocean Reporting Network Fellows

    The eight Fellows chosen for the inaugural cohort of the Pulitzer Center’s Ocean Reporting Network (ORN) represent a diverse mix of regions, backgrounds, formats, and experience—and will spend a whole year delving into key ocean topics including fisheries, pollution, and aquaculture. A healthy ocean

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    Our Work/Environment Reporting Grants

    The Pulitzer Center is now accepting applications for its initiative focused on climate change and its effects on workers and work. As the world heats up, what jobs and employment sectors, what factory practices, what sorts of manufacturing–from computer chips to batteries to food production to fast

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    Meet the Rainforest Reporting team

    Led by Environmental Unit Senior Manager Detty Saluling, the rainforest reporting team has extensive experience in environmental communications, data journalism, and more. GUSTAVO FALEIROS Director of Environmental Investigations Unit Gustavo Faleiros is the Director of Environmental Investigations

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    Bolsa Para Reportagens Sobre Florestas Tropicais

    O Rainforest Reporting Grant oferece apoio financeiro de curto prazo, baseado em projetos, para jornalistas que desejam fazer reportagens sobre florestas tropicais em três regiões: Amazônia, África Central e Sudeste Asiático. Buscamos propostas ambiciosas de reportagem que analisem questões críticas

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    Dana Hibah Pelaporan Hutan Hujan

    Rainforest Reporting Grant memberikan dukungan pendanaan jangka pendek berbasis proyek kepada para jurnalis yang ingin meliput isu hutan hujan tropis di tiga wilayah utama: Amazon, Afrika Tengah, dan Asia Tenggara. Kami mencari proposal liputan yang ambisius yang membahas isu-isu penting seperti

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    Subvention pour l'établissement de reportages sur les forêts tropicales

    Le Rainforest Reporting Grant ou la subvention pour les reportages sur les forêts tropicales accorde un appui financier à court terme, aux projets des journalistes qui souhaitent réaliser des reportages sur les forêts tropicales humides dans trois régions clés: l'Amazonie, l'Afrique centrale et l