Sara Aliaga Ticona


Sara Aliaga Ticona, photographer and visual storyteller, is based in La Paz, Bolivia. Sara's work focuses on telling stories focused on cultural identity and gender, and how these two elements are related with the landscapes where they reside -- developing these elements as symbolic and documentary instruments.

Sara is a National Geographic Explorer, winner of the Women Photograph Workshop, winner of a scholarship for RISC training, and was part of the CONTACT festival organized by Photographers Without Borders (Canada). Sara has worked in multiple media organizations in Bolivia, and has publications in The New York Times, The Guardian, PoyLatam magazine, Fotofeminas, The University of Bern's research magazines, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland), Reuters and Kultur Austausch (Germany).

Sara Aliaga Ticona, fotógrafa y narradora visual, basada en La Paz, Bolivia. Su trabajo se centra en desarrollar historias enfocadas en la identidad cultural y género, y como estas se relacionan con el territorio que habitan, desarrollándolas desde instrumentos simbólicos y documentales.

Exploradora en National Geographic, Ganadora del Workshop de Women Photograph, ganadora de la beca para el entrenamiento RISC Training (Reports Instructed In Saving Colleagues), parte del festival CONTACT organizado por Photographer Without Borders, Canadá. Trabajó en diversos medios impresos de Bolivia; con publicaciones en The New York Times, The Guardian, Revista PoyLatam, Fotofeminas, revista de investigación de la Universidad de Berna, Suiza, Periódico Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Suiza), Agencia Reuters y Kultur Austausch (Alemania).

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