Diego Enrique Osorno
Diego Enrique Osorno is an independent journalist. He is a staff reporter at Gatopardo magazine in Mexico. He is also a contributor to the newspapers and magazine Reforma, Publimetro and Proceso, and has been published nationally and internationally in El Universal, Letras Libres, Milenio, Etiqueta Negra, Newsweek, Le Courier International, Nexos, Gente, Indymedia, El Diario de Nueva York, Caborca, and Vice. He is a founding member of Bengala, an agency that promotes the translation of long-form printed narratives into film, and has authored six books: Oaxaca sitiada (Grijalbo, 2007), El Cártel de Sinaloa (Grijalbo, 2009), Nosotros somos los culpables (Grijalbo, 2010), Un vaquero cruza la frontera en silencio (Conapred, 2011), La guerra de los Zetas (Grijalbo, 2012), and Slim: Biografía política del mexicano más rico del mundo (Random House 2015). He also edited País de los muertos: Crónicas contra la impunidad (Debate, 2011).
Osorno's works have been reprinted in anthologies internationally and he has received many awards, including some of the most prestigious prizes in Mexico and Latin America. In 2012, the Iberoamerican Foundation for New Journalism Gabriel García Márquez named him one of the New Journalists of the Americas. He lives in Monterrey, Mexico.