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Webinar: Bagaimana Menjadi Rainforest Investigations Network Fellow

Event Date:

November 23, 2022 | 4:00 PM WIB TO 5:00 PM WIB
Indonesian call for proposals graphic. Proposals due by December 15.

Bayangkan Anda menerima dukungan selama 12 bulan untuk menginvestigasi kejahatan lingkungan, kegiatan korupsi dan ekonomi yang berkontribusi terhadap pengrusakan hutan hujan utama di dunia?

Inilah tawaran dari Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN), sebuah proyek Pulitzer Center yang berada di garis depan jurnalisme investigasi yang didedikasikan untuk isu-isu yang paling mendesak dalam situasi darurat iklim saat ini.

Pada webinar ini, Anda akan bertemu dengan para RIN Fellows dan editor jaringan RIN yang akan menjelaskan secara rinci tentang undangan mengajukan aplikasi yang dibuka hingga 15 Desember.

Anda akan mendengar prasyarat untuk mengajukan aplikasi dan elemen-elemen apa saja yang mempengaruhi pemilihan Fellows dalam proses awal seleksi.


Rainforest Investigations Network - Tanyakan apa saja kepada kami! (Harap dicatat bahwa webinar akan diselenggarakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia)

Daftar di Zoom


Rabu, 23 November pukul 16.00 (JKT)


Detty Saluling - Manajer Senior Program RJF

Gustavo Faleiros - Editor RIN

Bagja Hidayat - Redaktur Eksekutif Majalah Tempo dan RIN Fellow


In English

Webinar: How to become a Rainforest Investigations Network Fellow

Can you imagine receiving 12 months of support to investigate environmental crimes, corruption, and economic activities contributing to the destruction of the world’s major rainforests?

That’s the Rainforest Investigations Network offer, a Pulitzer Center project at the forefront of investigative journalism dedicated to the most pressing issues of the climate emergency.

At this webinar, you will meet with current RIN Fellows and the network’s editors, who will explain in detail the current call for applications, which is open until December 15, 2022.

You’ll hear the prerequisites for applying and what elements influenced the selection of Fellows in the first selection process.


Rainforest Investigations Network: Ask us anything! (Please note the webinar will be conducted in bahasa Indonesia)

Please register by clicking here.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at 4pm (JKT)


Detty Saluling — Rainforest Journalism Fund senior program manager

Gustavo Faleiros — Rainforest Investigations Network editor

Bagja Hidayat — Executive Editor of TEMPO magazine and RIN fellow


logo for the Rainforest Investigations Network


Rainforest Investigations Network

Rainforest Investigations Network


a yellow halftone illustration of a truck holding logs


