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Talks @ Pulitzer: Author Roger Thurow and 'The First 1,000 Days'

Event Date:

June 1, 2016 | 7:30 AM
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The story of 1,000 days–the vital period from the beginning of a woman's pregnancy to her child's...

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Outside the center, women of Chuicavioc tend to a small vegetable garden. Image by Roger Thurow. Guatemala, 2013.

Author and Pulitzer Center grantee Roger Thurow discusses his newly published book The First 1,000 Days: A Crucial Time for Mothers and Children–and the World during a Talks @ Pulitzer on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. He explores issues of nutrition and growth in children between the time they are conceived through their second birthdays.

Thurow took repeated trips around the world to visit with pregnant mothers in Guatemala, India, Uganda and the United States, in particular in Chicago, and then their newborn children to document the stark difference between the lives and developments of individuals who are nourished and those who are not. He included the United States in his reporting to show that malnutrition and stunting (the delays in mental and physical growth due to long periods of undernourishment) is a problem everywhere, not just in developing or underdeveloped countries.

Thurow also describes the cycle of malnutrition that happens in some communities because of the lack of nutrition education and the lack of resources to purchase nutritious foods.

The Pulitzer Center supported Thurow's first 1,000 days reporting; his Pulitzer Center-supported project is "1,000 Days: To Save Women, Children and the World" and incorporates articles, slideshows, videos and audio from his travels. Thurow also is a senior fellow at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and columnist of the Council's "Global Food for Thought" blog.

Thurow was a reporter for The Wall Street Journal for 30 years, 20 of them as a foreign correspondent based in Europe and Africa. In 2003, he and Journal colleague Scott Kilman wrote a series of stories on famine in Africa, and they were finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting for that coverage. Their reporting on humanitarian and development issues was also honored by the United Nations. Thurow and Kilman are authors of the book, ENOUGH: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty.

Space is limited so reserve your seat today: [email protected]—specify in subject line: "June 1 Talks @ Pulitzer."

Talks @ Pulitzer: "The First 1,000 Days"
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
5:30 PM Reception
6:00 Remarks begin
Pulitzer Center
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 615
Washington, DC 20036

Closest metro stop: Dupont Circle

Remember: Reserve your seat today


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