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Shale Gas: From Poland to Pennsylvania at University of Pittsburgh

Event Date:

February 5, 2013 | 7:00 AM
Media file: DPK_3726.JPG

Shale gas is an energy phenomenon not just in a broad swath of the United States but in places like...

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Multiple Authors

"Shale Gas: From Poland to Pennsylvania," the Pulitzer Center's joint reporting initiative with Calkins Media, publisher of, examines the debate surrounding shale gas and the tangled mix of hopes, hype and concern in Eastern Europe and the US.

Join journalist Dimiter Kenarov at the University of Pittsburgh's Frick Fine Arts Auditorium on Tuesday, February 5, to discuss his findings on the the local costs of global shale gas extraction. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in Pennsylvania is a focus of Kenarov's reporting, with the added dimension of the Eastern European response--providing deeper context to this controversial subject.

On Wednesday, February 6, Kenarov will present at the University of Pittsburgh's Wesley Posvar Hall to discuss the politics and controversies around shale gas in Eastern Europe more specifically. Kenarov will also participate in an invitation-only breakfast with the World Affairs Council earlier in the day.

Tuesday, February 5
"Shale Gas from Poland to Pennsylvania: Global Business, Local Costs"
University of Pittsburgh
Frick Fine Arts Auditorium
Schenley Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Wednesday, February 6
"Shale Gas in Eastern Europe: Politics and Realities"
University of Pittsburgh
Wesley Posvar Hall, Room 4217
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Kenarov's visit is presented by the Pulitzer Center, World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh's Russian & East European Studies, Global Studies Center, and European Union Center for Excellence.


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