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Marcus Bleasdale's Photographs Featured at Fotografiska


Event Date:

March 9, 2012 - June 3, 2012 | 5:00 AM
Mbonih Ndele Mari was abducted by the LRA outside Niangara and left for dead by them after they cut off her lips and her ears. She is now in a hospital in Niangara. Her children are being looked after by family close by.

Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, notorious for its use of child soldiers and sex slaves, has...

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Multiple Authors

Marcus Bleasdale's photographs will be featured in the exhibit, <em>Stolen Children: Soldiers of the Lord's
Resistance Army</em> at the <a href="">Fotografiska Museum</a> in Stockholm, Sweden. <br>
Bleasdale is represented by VII Photo Agency. He has spent more than ten years covering the Democratic Republic of the Congo and is one of the world's leading documentary photographers. His work, produced in partnership with <a href="">Human Rights Watch</a> and the Pulitzer Center, focuses on the victims of the Lord's Resistance Army throughout Central Africa, combining landscapes depicting the horrific aftermath of LRA attacks and intimate portraits of those affected.


Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


Gender Equality

Gender Equality
war and conflict reporting


War and Conflict

War and Conflict
teal halftone illustration of two children, one holding up a teddy bear


Children and Youth

Children and Youth