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Karl Meyer and Shareen Brysac at the International Peace Institute

Event Date:

March 19, 2012 | 10:00 PM
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In few places has coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims been more sorely tested as in India...

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Multiple Authors
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In "Pax Ethnica: Where and How Diversity Succeeds," authors Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac set out what they call a "forthright dissent" against the theory that persistent ethnic strife and violence arise out of "deep, tangled and ancient hatreds and hence may be beyond reach of reason." They elucidate their thinking with narrative-driven portraits of five places around the world: Marseille, France, home to Europe's largest Muslim community; Flensburg, Germany, the epicenter of the "Schleswig-Holstein Question" that fueled conflict for over a century but is now peaceful; Kerala, India, a state of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians that leads the country in literacy, life expectancy, and health care; the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, where a Muslim majority and significant Orthodox population coexist peacefully; and New York City's Borough of Queens, where 2.3 million people speak 138 languages and leaders have embraced diversity.<br>
International Peace Institute's
Trygve Lie Center for Peace, Security &amp; Development
777 United Nations Plaza, 12th Floor
(corner of 44th Street &amp; 1st Avenue)
New York City, NY<br>
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