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How To Report On Finance-Linked Environmental Destruction

Event Date:

May 21, 2024 | 4:00 PM TO 5:00 PM
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Journalism that focuses on finance-linked environmental destruction is vital for fostering transparency, accountability, and civic engagement that leads to sustainable practices. Considering this, the Pulitzer Center is launching a methodology series, starting with a how-to for corporate research by Research Editor Jelter Meers, “Exposing the Money Behind Environmental Destruction.” 

With our environmental reporting networks, the Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN) and the Ocean Reporting Network (ORN), we aim to uncover not only the economic activities fueling environmental degradation—such as deforestation in protected areas and illegal fishing by unregulated fleets—but also the financial incentives that enable them. 

Reporters know that there are many money flows involved in any environmental wrongdoing. In our webinar on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 4:00pm GMT, we want to showcase different methodologies to uncover the financiers of environmental destruction and connect them to regional, jurisdictional, and industrial contexts.


  • Jelter Meers, research editor at the Pulitzer Center
  • Josephine Moulds, investigative reporter at The Bureau for Investigative Journalism and 2023 RIN Fellow 
  • Madeleine Ngeunga, africa editor at the Pulitzer Center
  • Helen Bellfield, deputy executive director of Global Canopy

Reading material in preparation for the webinar:

Register here for the conversation. 


logo for the Rainforest Investigations Network


Rainforest Investigations Network

Rainforest Investigations Network
logo for the Ocean Reporting Network


Ocean Reporting Network

Ocean Reporting Network


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Environment and Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change