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Hardacre Film Festival to Screen Rebuilding Hope


Event Date:

August 7, 2010 | 10:05 AM TO 11:45 AM EDT

Gabriel Deng, Koor Garang and Garang Mayuol, Southern Sudanese "Lost Boys" in the U.S., were forced...

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A still from Rebuilding Hope, a documentary film by Jen Marlowe and David Morse - following three Lost Boys of Sudan as they return home.
A still from Rebuilding Hope, a documentary film by Jen Marlowe and David Morse - following three Lost Boys of Sudan as they return home.

The Hardacre Film Festival will screen Rebuilding Hope at 10:05 am on Saturday, August 7. The festival takes place in Tipton, Iowa, USA.

For more information visit, the Hardacre Film Festival schedule.