Join the Pulitzer Center on Sunday, March 6, 2016, for the opening of "God, Government and LGBT Rights in Russia, India and Uganda," a photography exhibit in the Monroe C. Gutman Library Gallery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
In this exhibit, Misha Friedman, Daniella Zalcman and Sami Siva, three photographers and Pulitzer Center grantees explore the lives and realities of LGBT communities abroad in the wake of major legislation. This exhibit provides glimpse into those communities in India, Russia and Uganda.
In his project "India's Third Gender" Siva explores the realities of the transgender community in India. Soon after the Supreme Court ruling that acknowledges the existence of India's third gender, Siva traveled to Koovagam, a Hindu religious festival and one of the world's largest transgendered festivals to document and offer a glimpse into the lives of India's transgendered women. Without many legitimate options for employment, many transgendered women turn to prostitution, putting them at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.
Friedman documents the LGBT community in Russia and Crimea in his projects "Official Homophobia" and "Crimea: The Human Toll."
"They are prisoners in their own homes," he says, "hiding their identities, afraid to live a full life while looking for hope elsewhere."
Zalcman documents a similar situation in Uganda in her project, "Kuchus in Uganda." In February 2014, Uganda signed into law the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, prompting members of the LGBTQ population to either flee and seek asylum elsewhere or take their personal lives underground. Several months later, the Constitution Court struck down the law on a procedural technicality: the decision is seen both as a disappointment in its failure to address the law as a human rights violation as well as a victory for the evolution of LGBT rights and a step in the gradual destigmatization and decriminalization.
Zalcman explores the importance and context of religion in Uganda during this time through her portrait series, "Faces of Faith," photographing religious leaders and capturing their varying opinions and perspectives on the LGBT community.
"I think that these perspectives are vital to the evolution of the LGBT rights movement," Zalcman says, "More than anything, I hope this work encourages people to start a conversation."
Zalcman and Friedman will also speak on panels on Saturday, March 5, at the third edition of the LGBTQ Conference at Harvard. The conference will explore the theme "Beyond Marriage Equality: Rainbows at the Crossroads" and separate registration is required.
God, Government and LGBT Rights in Russia, India and Uganda
Monroe C. Gutman Gallery
Harvard University
Sunday, March 6
Free Reception: 1:00 pm-5:00 pm
6 Appian Way
Cambridge, MA 02138
Exhibit Closing March 31

India's Third Gender
India's transgender women have a documented history dating back to the Kama Sutra, but live on the...

Official Homophobia in Russia
With homophobic rhetoric now legitimized by federal law, being gay in Russia can be extremely...

Crimea: The Human Toll
Russia's military annexation of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine has already upended many lives...