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Everyday Forsyth County Student Photography Exhibit

Event Date:

April 30, 2019 | 5:30 PM TO 7:30 PM EDT


Art for Art's Sake: Unleashed Gallery
630 N. Liberty Street

Winston-Salem, NC 27101

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The Pulitzer Center is proud to partner with the Everyday Africa initiative and its founders, and...

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Multiple Authors
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Image by students at Eliot-Hine Middle School in Washington, DC. USA, 2017.

Please join us for a reception celebrating the "Everyday Forsyth County" exhibition at Art for Art's Sake's Unleashed Gallery in Winston-Salem, NC on the evening of Tuesday, April 30, 2019.

"Everyday Forsyth County" presents a visual narrative of everyday life in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, NC through the eyes of third grade students from three public elementary schools. The exhibition is the culmination of a unit designed by Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools, in collaboration with Pulitzer Center, that teachers students photojournalism and visual literacy skills. The unit adapts curriculum developed as part of the "Everyday DC" project, which the Center has facilitated for three years in partnership with D.C. Public Schools.

"Everyday DC" and "Everyday Forsyth County" were inspired by the Everyday Africa project, founded by Pulitzer Center grantees Peter DiCampo and Austin Merrill to re-direct focus toward a more accurate understanding of what the majority of Africans experience on a day-to-day basis: normal life. Like Everyday Africa, "Everyday Forsyth County" challenges students to consider how their community is portrayed in the media, and how their lived experiences relate to those portrayals. 

"Everyday Forsyth County" is co-sponsored by the Social Studies and AIG departments at Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. The exhibit features images by students from Walkertown Elementary, Southwest Elementary and Old Richmond Elementary. For more information about the unit plan and exhibition, contact [email protected] 

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teal halftone illustration of two children, one holding up a teddy bear


Children and Youth

Children and Youth