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Educator Learning Session: Perspectives and Their Implications

Event Date:

September 16, 2021 | 3:00 PM TO 3:45 PM HST
Photo of Edith Middleton with the text "Power up with Edith! Perspectives and Their Implications: A Pulitzer Center Teacher Fellowship Unit"

What are elements of culture that shape us, shape how we see others, and shape how we are seen in return? Join Pulitzer Center Teacher Fellow Edith Middleton as she shares how her students explored concepts of migration through the lens of cultural identity and perspective. Middleton will share an original unit that guides students in analyzing themes of colonialism, migration, and xenophobia while reading Shakespeare's The Tempest alongside other journalistic and literary texts. To explore the unit, complete with daily lesson plans, facilitation materials, and examples of student work, click here.

This event is hosted by Hawaii State Teacher Fellows, @808TFellows, and the Hawai'i State Department of Education. It takes place Thursday, September 16 3:00-3:45pm HST / 9:00-9:45pm EST. Register here!

Edith Middleton currently chairs the English Language Arts Department at King Kekaulike High School (KKHS) and lectures in the English department at The University of Hawai’i Maui College campus. In addition, she teaches 10th grade English, advises the KKHS PAAC Global Book Club, assists as the University of Hawai’i Early College Learning, English 100 liaison, facilitates teacher support groups, and serves as various faculty proxies for union and COVID-19 safety committees.

Ms. Middleton is a dual certified English teacher in both Hawai’i and Connecticut with over ten years of classroom teaching and youth coaching experience. She holds a Masters in the Art of Secondary English Education from Sacred Heart University and a Masters in The Teaching of English from Teachers College, Columbia University. As a local Hawaii State Teacher Fellow, Edith is focusing on publishing and collaborating with statewide Hawaiian educators and policymakers about education policies and practices. Edith hopes to merge local pedagogy, policy, and practice with global travel to France with her Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program. The Fulbright scholarship is not only fulfilling her lifelong aspiration of fellowship but also fueling her curiosities about global competencies and insights for the next phase of her teaching career both in and outside the classroom.


teal halftone illustration of a family carrying luggage and walking


Migration and Refugees

Migration and Refugees