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The Edge of Joy Screening at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs

Event Date:

January 13, 2011 | 5:30 PM TO 7:30 PM EST
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As Nigeria works to “re-brand” itself from a post-colonial military state to a progressive...

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Multiple Authors
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In Nigeria, the lifetime risk of a woman dying in childbirth is 1 in 18, compared to 1 in 4,800 in the United States. Focusing on maternal health in Muslim and Christian communities in Nigeria, the documentary film The Edge of Joy depicts the consequences of poor maternal health as it explores the nuances and complexities of bringing emerging health technologies to the developing world. Join The Chicago Council, the University of Chicago's Global Health Initiative, and Pathfinder International for the Chicago premiere of the film, to be followed by an expert panel discussion featuring:

Melissa Gilliam, Associate Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology and Pediatrics and Chief of Family Planning, University of Chicago Medical Center
Funmi Olopade, Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics and Director, Cancer Risk Clinic,
University of Chicago Medical Center
Dawn Sinclair Shapiro, Director-Producer, Woodlawn Avenue Productions
Moderated by Daniel E. Pellegrom, President, Pathfinder International

Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies
610 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605

Young Professional Members $10
Members $20
Nonmembers $30

President's Circle, Corporate Members, and Student Members complimentary

For more information, visit The Chicago Council's event posting, or register now.


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Health Inequities

Health Inequities