We are seeking ambitious, enterprise reporting projects on global health and the future of the global development agenda. We are maintaining our ongoing interest in reproductive health, food security, sanitation, and HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. We are also looking for proposals that surface new or neglected issues and perspectives in global health.
Projects should engage the public, advance understanding among policymakers, and whenever possible, tie into current policy discussions. The reporting should focus on why and how; descriptive projects are not sufficient.
Partnerships between journalists who specialize in different media are encouraged, as are teams of staff journalists. Applicants should consider incorporating data visualization, for which the Pulitzer Center has in-house expertise if needed.
Proposals must include a credible plan for broad distribution of the resulting work. Applicants should demonstrate interest from editors or producers working in wide-reaching U.S. or European news media outlets. Letters from editors or producers who have worked with you in the past, and are interested in working with you again, are encouraged.
We also have a Global Health Solutions Fund for journalists interested in doing critical reporting on responses to global health-related challenges. These projects will be done partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network. Editorial guidance will be available from Network co-founders Tina Rosenberg and David Bornstein, who also run The New York Times Fixes blog. Learn more about this fund here.
Before applying, please review our website and others to ensure that you are proposing a unique project or one that builds on past reporting.
Please read our general guidelines for project applications.
To submit your proposal, please use this webform.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Kendeda Fund, the Pulitzer family and anonymous donors have generously provided funding for this initiative.