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Artikel Publication logo September 5, 2021

Rimbo Larangan Paru, Melawan Pembalakan Liar dan Menjaga Hulu Sungai


View from the highlands of West Sumatra. Image courtesy of Syukri Erwin/Shutterstock. Indonesia.

Nagari Paru's Indigenous forest was not built in a short time. Now, the people who built it are...

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The story excerpt and photo captions below were translated from bahasa Indonesia. To read the original story in full, visit the Sumbarsatu website. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website here. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

Sijunjung, sumbarsatu.com — The Rimbo Larangan Lung, also known as the Nagari Lung Forest, covers an area of 4,500 hectares in Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia and has experienced extensive deforestation. Since 2017, West Sumatra has lost 31,367 hectares of natural forest cover.

Analysis from the Lansat TM 8 Satellite Image conducted by the Geographic Information System team of the Indonesian Conservation Community Warsi in 2020 shows that natural forest cover in West Sumatra has decreased. Now, the forest cover in West Sumatra is only 1.8 million hectares, or 44%, of the total area. The decline was due to several factors including new permits for logging companies, efforts to clear new land for plantations, illegal logging, and illegal gold mining (PETI).

-Bukik Mandi Angin Rimbo LaranganParu--Foto Thendra
Image by Thendra. Indonesia, 2021.

Image by Thendra. Indonesia, 2021.

Batang Paru River. Image by Thendra. Indonesia, 2021.

Looking for rattan. Image by Thendra. Indonesia, 2021.

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