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POSTPONED: Photojournalist Larry C. Price Visits Missouri School of Journalism


Event Date:

April 27 - 28, 2017 | 1:00 PM EDT


University of Missouri School of Journalism
120 Neff Hall

Columbia, MO 65211

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Pollution sickens and kills millions of people worldwide each year. This project explores the most...

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Tannery workers take a break before noon prayers. Their carts can carry a ton of goat skins through the narrow streets of Hazaribagh. Image by Larry C. Price. Bangladesh, 2016.
Tannery workers take a break before noon prayers. Their carts can carry a ton of goat skins through the narrow streets of Hazaribagh. Image by Larry C. Price. Bangladesh, 2016.

Editor's note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, this visit has been postponed. Once a new date is chosen, we will update the Pulitzer Center event listings.

Pulitzer Center grantee and two-time Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Larry C. Price visits the University of Missouri School of Journalism on Thursday, April 27 and Friday, April 28, 2017, to explore his reporting on pollution and global health. The main event is Price's Thursday evening talk, "The Human Toll of Toxic Pollution," starting at 5pm in Fisher Auditorium in Gannett Hall. 

Along with his photography, Price shares his stories of the individuals and communities impacted by gold and lead mining, battery recycling, leather tanning and textile manufacturing in Asia and Africa. The lecture is sponsored by the Smith/Patterson Science Journalism Fellowship and Lecture Series, a joint initiative of the Pulitzer Center Campus Consortium and the Missouri School of Journalism. Joining Price on this Campus Consortium partner visit is Ann Peters, university and community outreach director at the Pulitzer Center.

Price is an award-winning documentary photographer and multimedia journalist based in Dayton, Ohio. He spent much of his career in newspaper journalism as a photographer and an editor. A native Texan and journalism graduate from the University of Texas at Austin, Price worked for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in the early 1980s. He won the Pulitzer Prize for spot news photography for his coverage of the 1980 coup d'état in Liberia in West Africa. The assignment was his first trip out of the United States and had a profound effect on his outlook on other cultures. He won his second Pulitzer Prize while at The Philadelphia Inquirer for his photography in El Salvador and Angola in 1985.

His project Deadly Pollution: The World's Most Toxic Places, details the worst pollutants–lead, mercury, cadmium radium and radioactive isoptopes, chromium and pesticides–and their affects on tens of millions of people.

Thursday April 27, 2017

5pm: Meet-and-greet reception

6pm: Lecture

Missouri School of Journalism

Fisher Auditorium, Gannett Hall

120 Neff Hall

Columbia, MO 65211


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