An uncalculated number of LGBTI people were persecuted, tortured, and executed in the Peruvian jungle by subversive groups during the terrorist violence that plagued the country from 1980 to 2000. However, more than two decades later, the State has not made a historical compilation of these events to gauge the scope of the hatred.
This report gathers the unpublished voices of trans and homosexual women who survived terrorist violence in the Amazon. They include people from the regions of Loreto, Ucayali, and San Martin who witnessed or suffered systematic violations of their human rights, and who have not had the opportunity to be heard or compensated by the authorities to process what they lived.
In addition, for the first time, details of the only two cases to reach the courts are revealed, showing that the terrorist crimes against sexual diversity were not isolated events. There is a file in which the former leaders of subversive groups are accused, though they still have not been sentenced. All this comes amid the current context of growing discrimination against the LGBTQI+ community at a time when the new perpetrators of violence no longer need to wear ski masks or rifles.