The Southeast Asia Journalist–Scientist Rainforest Hub fosters dialogue and collaboration between scientists and journalists in Southeast Asia to address pressing rainforest issues and tackle local challenges in the rainforest regions. We will pioneer this initiative by facilitating discussions about challenges in the rainforest and solutions to support the improvement of forest ecosystems and livelihoods of communities, taking inspiration from the underreported stories by Rainforest Investigations Network (RIN) Fellows and Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF) grantees.

Rainforest Seminar Series

This series addresses trending topics around the rainforest and urgent underreported stories through Pulitzer Center journalism. The goal is to bring scientists and journalists closer together to achieve better-informed decisions in public affairs. Topics ranging from community-based reforestation, deforestation caused by mining, and innovations for rainforest communities will be discussed by our journalist grantees, the academic community, and local or international scientists.

The series is co-hosted by universities across Southeast Asia and invites participation from all Southeast Asia-based scientists and journalists. In 2022, we will host five seminars in partnership with local universities. Please check the “events” section below for details when available.

Impact Seed Funding (ISF)

The Impact Seed Funding (ISF) grant facilitates collaborative projects between RJF and RIN journalists and scientists based in Southeast Asia to extend the impact of their interrelated work around the rainforest.

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Writing in Mass Media Training

This is a capacity-building program for scientists to learn engaging journalism. The training program will be in partnership with highly experienced media partners. Through the training, early-career scientists and academics will enhance their writing capabilities to be more engaging, better-presented, and creative. Registration for the training will open in October 2022.