This is the list of upcoming online and in-person AI Spotlight Series webinars and workshops. Please check this space often as more events may be added throughout the year. Registration links for the various events will be included closer to the time of the workshops.

Please know that the Introduction to AI Reporting webinar is open to all registrants, but you have to fill out an application form for the AI Reporting Intensive and An Editor's Guide to AI courses, as those are meant to be smaller, interactive cohorts.

The AI Spotlight Series curriculum will eventually be open sourced so it becomes a permanent resource for those entering the field of AI accountability. See you at the AI Spotlight Series workshops!


This is the list of upcoming online and in-person AI Spotlight Series' webinars and workshops. Please check this space often as more events might be added throughout the year. Registration links for the various events will be included closer to the time of the workshops.

Track 1<br />
Introduction to AI Reporting</p>
<p>This track is designed for reporters interested in getting started but with minimal or no knowledge of AI. We will dissect what makes a good AI accountability story, from quick turnaround stories to more ambitious investigations, and dig into a few examples.</p>
<p>Format: 90 minute webinar

Please review each event listing carefully for important details including registration deadlines, instructor names, and time zone conversions.

Please check back soon for more Track 1 trainings.

2<br />
AI Reporting Intensive</p>
<p>This track is designed for reporters who grasp AI, spend a signficiant amount of their time covering technology, and want to go deeper. It will help you clarify your understanding of technical concepts and think more expansively about how to cover the different facets of this fast-moving story.</p>
<p>Format: 3x2-hour virtual interactive sessions<br />
capacity: 25-30 journalists per session<br />
time commitment: about 8 hours<br />
duration: 1 week

Please review each event listing carefully for important details including registration deadlines, instructor names, and time zone conversions.

Please check back soon for more Track 2 trainings.

3<br />
an editor's guide to AI</p>
<p>This track is for managing editors, executive editors, desk editors, and social media editors—anyone in charge of directing coverage, commissioning stories, or packaging and producing them for public consumption. We will identify different types of AI stories and dissect what distinguishes the best coverage, including its framing, headline, and artwork.</p>
<p>Format: 90-minute virtual interactive session<br />
capacity: 25-30 journalists per session

Please review each event listing carefully for important details including registration deadlines, instructor names, and time zone conversions.

Please check back soon for more Track 3 trainings.


Each week, the Pulitzer Center newsletter features a selection of underreported international news stories supported by the Pulitzer Center.