Annika McGinnis


Annika McGinnis is a multimedia journalist and media development specialist from the United States. 

With Africa Water Journalists, she is the cofounder of, a geojournalism platform that visualizes and maps data on water issues in the Nile Basin with journalism stories. She also works as the Director of Programs and Strategy with the Media Challenge Initiative, a media development nonprofit in Kampala. As a journalist, she reported for Reuters in the White House and on Capitol Hill, USA TODAY, and McClatchy Newspapers. She also worked with The Advocacy Project NGO in Washington D.C., Internews' Earth Journalism Network, Amnesty International, and Soluciones Comunitarias, a Nicaraguan social enterprise.

In 2016-2017, she was a Global Health Corps fellow in Kampala, Uganda managing communications, public relations and partnership development for Reach Out Mbuya Parish HIV/AIDS Initiative, a community-based HIV/AIDS NGO. Annika graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2016 with degrees in journalism, international development, and French.

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