Jeff Howe


Jeff Howe, a 2010 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, is an assistant professor on the tenure track with a research interest in media and technology at Northeastern University. From 2001 until 2010 Howe was a contributing editor at Wired magazine. In 2006 he coined the term "crowdsourcing" with the publication of his article "The Rise of Crowdsourcing" in Wired. In 2008 he published the book Crowdsourcing: How the Power of Crowds is Driving the Future of Business (Crown), and he frequently comments on the phenomenon for both media outlets (NPR, CNN, The New York Times) and international audiences. The book has been translated into 12 languages. Howe is also a contributing writer to, where he runs the Twitter book club 1book140, with over 66,000 followers. In his 20 years as a journalist, Howe has traveled around the world working on stories ranging from the impending water crisis in Central Asia to the implications of gene patenting. He has written for the The New York Times, Time magazine, The Atlantic, The Washington Post and Mother Jones. He lives in Cambridge, Mass., with his wife and two children.

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